Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28, 2014  Happy Occurrences

1.  Slept late again, this has got to stop!

2.  Showered, washed hair

3.  Going to Walmart.  Wa-hoo!

March 27, 2014  Happy Occurrences 

1.  Not a great day, slept late.  Seems to be coming a habit that needs to be broken.

2.  Shoulder hurts today, heating pad feels good.

3.  Ear aching, wish I knew who to go to, maybe ask Dr. Persson for a referral.

4.  Larry and Joyce are coming to Texas in May to visit with Mike.  Will just be there over the weekend.  Not really looking forward to it for many reasons, the biggest is Joyce.  Just can't stomach the woman, sarcastic, hateful and know it all.  Lord, I pray for some good weed.  

March 26, 2014  Happy Occurrences 

1.  Mary had her 2nd knee surgery this morning.  Came through with flying colors.

2.  Had a nice surprise for lunch, Lois called me and asked me to go out with her.  We had talked about having lunch but those things never happen.  We went to the Riverside Cafe.  It was nice.

3.  Went to Neal's, bought rick rack and then came home.  Bob has a visitation tonight for a high school friend that was killed over the weekend in at ATV accident.  I waited for him to come home, he said he was going to take a shower and go.  I left to go over to Joann's for some ribbon and was gone about an hour.  I figured he probably wouldn't go and thought I was right when his car was still in front of the house on my way home.  But I got around to the alley and his truck was gone.  He was gone for a long time, he saw people he hadn't seen for years and got caught up with some old friends.  I'm proud of him.
March 25, 2014  Happy Occurrences

1.  Slept late.  

2.  Alzheimer's Support Group Tonight.  Asked Bob for several days about going, last night he said ok and I emailed Megan telling her we'd be there.  

3.  Got ready to go, got to the parking lot and he changed his mind.  He said he knew what would happen but refused to elaborate.  I don't think he "gets it".  I really wanted to participate but it's his father, his stress and his denial.  I'm done.
March 24, 2014  Happy Occurrences 

1.  Went to Williamsburg to drop Sophie and had lunch with Darath and Elias at McDonalds.  Elias' choice

2.  Went to Clairs and bought some earrings and a new phone case

3.  Stopped at Michael's on the way home.  Didn't have what I wanted, then stopped at Hobby Lobby.  Could spend days in that store but probably won't be shopping their any longer due to the way they treat employees health.
March 23, 2014  Happy Occurrences 

1.  Got thrown off with the funeral.  Still not up to par.


March 22, 2014  Happy Occurrences 

1.  Saturday was rainy and cold


March 21, 2014  Happy Occurrences 

1.  Took Maggie to the vet for her rabies shot, vacation getting closer.



Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20, 2014  Happy Occurrences 

1.  Slept so late, woke up at 10:55.  Supposed to pick Bob up at noon for funeral.

2.  Fastest I've moved for a long time, left the house showered and shampoo'd at 11:30, got to Walcott at 12:02.  Whew............. just made it.

3.  Saddest funeral I've ever been to, the people, the music, the preacher.  Sad, sad, sad.  

4.  Thought that eating lunch in a new place would lift our spirits, so I suggested Mickey's Cafe in Bettendorf.  We drove by and no cars, must not be open, Bob said.  So I suggested the Crane and Pelican in LeClare, drive by, no cars in front, must not be open, Bob said.  There were cars in the back at both places, it was 3:30 pm so no cars in front, I'm sure both places were open.  Trying to get him to try something new is futile.  Ended up at Sneeky Pete's.  It was good, but not new.

5.  He gets so upset, yells a lot.  I was trying to give him directions from the gps in my phone and I guess I wasn't talking loud enough, so I spoke up and got accused of yelling at him.  Can't win, not today. Getting worse, but he won't even consider talking to the doctor. 

6.  Alzheimer support group meets at Bickford on Tuesday evening.  I'm going whether or not he goes.  Need to do something to help understand what his dad is feeling and what Bob is feeling about his dad.   
March 19, 2014  Happy Occurrences   

1.  Getting hair done today, think I will go short.  Oops, a little too short.   :)

2.  Went to Julie's visitation, this is the saddest family I can ever remember seeing at a funeral.  Just so, so sad.  Julie didn't look anything like Julie.  Mistake to go bald, so thin.

3.  Randy is the saddest man i have ever seen any where.  He misses her so much, she was his heart and his rock.  Worried about his state of mind. 

4.  Phone rang at 1:20 am.  Bob's work calling to see if there was a 2nd key to the DEF box.  Are you fucking kidding me?  I didn't answer and didn't wake him.  Good grief, it's the middle of the night.  He is not the manager, nor is he on 24/7 call.  Get a clue....Brenda.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014  Happy Occurrences                                                                                                    219

1.  Felt rested when I got up at 9:15 today.  Had both dogs in bed, one on either side.  hahaha

2.  Called the FM support group leader in Bettendorf on how to get a group started here.  She is sending me info.

3.  Set up an email on yahoo for the Muscatine Group.  Hope I can get this going, really need an outlet and something to do or my mind will turn to mush.
March 17, 2014  Happy Occurrences                                                                                                  219.4

1.  Slept really late today (10:30).  Feel like I'm getting a cold or sore throat.  Spent some time researching FM and support groups.  Don't think there is a group in town, not sure where to check, but will see if any thing is available.  Really hurt a lot, my neck and shoulder.  Shower didn't seem to help much. 

2.  Figured out lace placemat for mom.  Darath and family arrived in Texas, so happy she will get to spend some time with mom (Grandma).  

3.  Talked to Roberta, she seems to be doing ok with Julie's funeral.  Lots of family turmoil, so sad when families can't get along, especially during times of strife. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 16, 2014  Happy Occurrences                                                                                              219.4

1.  Sunday, Bob went out to see his dad, as he does nearly every day.  Said his dad was pretty good, but he was there in the morning and he usually is a little better earlier in the day.

2.  Watch the "race" on TV, many rain delays, and a few basketball games.  Made corned beef and cabbage for supper in honor of St. Pat's day.  Also made a crockpot roast and took down to Cunningham's.  Feel so bad for the family.

3.  Julie's funeral is Thursday at 1:00.  Bob will work until noon, then I will pick him up.  It will be a long day, not worried so much about Roberta, Irwin seems to be having a much harder time with Julie's death.

March 15, 2014  Happy Occurrences                                                                                          219

1.  Went to Davenport, met with Kaye and Keith Pace.  We had lunch at Applebee's and lots of great conversation.  Good to be with friends, glad Keith's health is continuing to improve.

2.  Shopped at Walmart, came home and took a nap.   Soooo bored.

3.  Decided to go to Riverside Casino for a while around 7:00 pm.  We ate at Subway,new Flatizza, very good.  We had fun, won a little, closer to broke even.  

4.  Slept very well for a change, felt rested when I woke up.

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14, 2014  Happy Occurrences 

1.  Forgot to weigh before I got dressed.

2.  Have to go to the grocery store, think we will have hamburgers for supper tonight, maybe tomorrow night.  Might go out to eat tonight.  

3.  Took a hydrocodone last night along with other medicine.  Slept pretty well until 4:30 when Bob got me up to get Sophie in the house.  Don't know why he has problems with her, she comes right away when I call her.  Went back to sleep on the couch until 10:30.  Feel rested, a little foggy.  Too much sleep.

4.  Bob thinks I should go back on the anti depressant, likens my moods to PMS and how awful that was for him.  I am not going back on those meds, too many side effects.  Maybe I need an attitude adjustment, maybe he needs one more.  I don't think I'm in denial about my health, I know I get stressed and crabby, but he won't accept the fact that he does too.  Sometimes I just want to wrap my hands around his neck or slap that stupid superior look off his face.  Must be true love, haha.  Love P!nk.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13, 2014  Happy Occurrences                                                                                            218.0
1.  Going to pick up Sophie today, get to see the boys.

2.  Lost 1.2 pounds

3.  Had a fun lunch with Darath and boys.  They are growing so fast.  Looking forward to their Spring break in Spring, Texas in the Spring of the year.  So sweet, my heart just squeezes a little too tight to be so far away.

4.  Julie Cunningham died last night around 11:00 pm.  So sad for the family, happy that Julie isn't suffering any longer.  I know that they believe that she is in the arms of our Lord, me not so much.  I know in my heart that she is in a better place.  

5.  Left my wallet at home, duh....why does this keep happening to me?  Must make a concentrated effort to get my shit together and keep it together.  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014  Happy Occurrences                                                                                            219.2

1.  We to Joann's Crafts today and ran my motor mouth too long.  I need to shut up sooner.  

2.  Figured out how to make my rugs and placemats, can't wait to try it out.

3.  Scanned in the rest of my photo's, now need to organize them.

4.  Changed our bed clothes, maybe, I'll sleep better.

5.  Picking up Sophie tomorrow, get to see my boys and Darath.  Excited :)

March 11, 2014  Happy Occurrences                                                                                 220

I know this started as only Happy Occurrences, but it is more helpful to me to write down things that bothered me during the day also.  

1.  Had lunch with Kaye at Hungry Hobo.  It was a good time, lots of conversation and companionship.  I miss the contact with others during the day.  Long ass days without it.

2.  My friend and co-worker, Diane Ball, called me.  Again, great conversation and it couldn't have come at a better time.  Diane and me, we go back close to 20 years.  She was my first new hire at SPAR in 1993.  

3.  Went to Jenny Craig for my weekly weigh in, could have been better, but down .2 pounds.

4.  Bob was a better companion last night, not so much stress .  Had a better visit with his dad.  He is worried about his family, especially his sister.  Wish I was closer to Annette, but she is going to have to make the first move.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014  Happy Occurrences

1.  Making Cheddar Potato soup for supper

2.  Taking down Christmas decorations from outside, finally.

3.  Windows open, nice WARM day.

4.  Cleaned up dog doody, put down bricks for the walk where the ice is out back.

5.  Bob loved the Potato soups for supper, he also had to ruin my day by making remarks about my weight and how Jenny Craig isn't working any more and how I was looking so good for a while, now it's all coming back.  Not a happy occurrence but served it's purpose to make me more determined to lose more weight. Sometimes it just takes an assh**e to point out the obvious.

March 9, 2014 Happy Occurances

1.  Went grocery shopping alone, good to get out.  Saved almost $11 in coupons.

2.  Went for a ride with Bob, got ice cream at Tee's.  YUM

3.  Nice relaxing evening watching TV

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8, 2014 Happy Occurrences

1.  Got eye checked today, all is good, just a little change in prescription.  Cataracts still quite small.

2.  Babysitting Wes and Rissie tonight.  :)

3.  Making plans for April vacation.  Can't wait.

4.  Paid Federal Taxes today, grateful to have funds to do so.

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7, 2014  Happy Occurrences

1.  Talked to Brenda Jo Conaway about starting an Esty web store.  I'm not sure it's what I want to do.  Maybe try the craft fair circuit first.  Esty sounds like a ton of work, but it was good to chat with her.

2.  Baked Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for Bob.  Love to bake and cook, altho we are going out to eat tonight.

3.  Nice day, no snow, no rain.  A little warmer than it's been, lots of water at the bottom of the back stairs, really need to figure out how to get rid of that problem.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6, 2014 Happy Occurrences

1.  Bob called at lunch time just to say he loves me.  :)

2.  Was able to make head way on my sewing room.  :)

3.  Chicken and rice casserole for supper  :)

4.  Decided that after waking up after 12 hours of sleep and feeling drugged and hung over due to new meds, not taking them after today.  Feel really good about that decision, not sure why she prescribed this particular medicine, but definitely felt better without it.  :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5, 2014

Happy Occurrences:

1.  Went to O'Donnell Ace Hardware to get something to boost a table to higher height.  They helped me find just the thing--bed risers.  Worked great.

2.  Maggie snuggled with me in bed this morning for a couple of hours after Bob went to work.  She is a sweet dog.

3.  Bob asked for Chili for supper.  He loves my chili and I already had some in the freezer.  Yeah! me :)

4.  American Idol is on tonight, no Rachel Maddow.  :)

Mission statement

The purpose of this blog is to record happy things that happen to me every day in an effort to change the focus of my life to a happier environment.
This is my Great Grandma Jane Williams Rouse, she was about 20 years old when this was taken  She was born in 1872.